Associate Professor
Email: ranjay[at]ei.nits.ac.in | ranjayhazra87[at]gmail.com
Date of Joining: 01/08/2016
Academic/Industrial Experience: 8+ years
Google Scholar: Click Here
- Ph.D. from IIT Roorkee, Roorkee
- M.Tech. from WBUT, Kolkata
- B. Tech. from SRM University, Chennai
- Working as Associate Professor in NIT Silchar from Oct 18, 2023 till date.
- Worked as Assistant Professor, Grade-I (8000 GPA) in NIT Silchar from Nov 22, 2019 to Oct 17, 2023.
- Worked as Assistant Professor, Grade-II (7000 GPA) in NIT Silchar from July 1, 2018 to Nov 21, 2019.
- Worked as Assistant Professor, Grade-II (6000 GPA) in NIT Silchar from Aug 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in KIIT University from Aug 2015 to July 2016.
- 5G and beyond Communication
- Device to Device Communication
- IRS-aided Communication
- mmWave Communication
- V2X Communication
- Signal and Image Processing
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Applications of AI in Communication, Signal & Image Processing
Dr. Ranjay Hazra completed his schooling at Don Bosco School Park Circus, Kolkata in 2005. He obtained his B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from SRM University, Chennai in 2009. After which he received his M.Tech degree from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata in 2011. In 2016, he was awarded the Ph.D. degree in Communication Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee. He is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. His research interests include 5G communication and beyond, mmWave communication, UAV communication, cooperative relaying, device-to-device communications, vehicular communications, smart transportation systems, Image Segmentation models for real-time and medical applications, Medical Imaging, Signal Processing and its applications in Biomedical and BCI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and its applications in Healthcare, Communication and Signal Processing. Till now he has published 60 research articles to date which includes 27 journals, 23 conferences, 9 book chapters and 1 book. He has received 3 sponsored projects from SPARC, MeiTy and SERB and currently executing them as Principal Investigator. He has received the prestigious SIRE fellowship from SERB, Govt of India to study in NUS Singapore for 6 months. He has also been granted an Australian Innovation Patent and German Patent in 2021 and 2022, respectively. He is an active reviewer of various reputed journals and has reviewed more than 50 papers to date. He has already supervised 3 Ph.D. scholars in the area of Wireless Communication, Signal & Image Imaging. Currently, he is supervising 4 Ph.D. scholars in the area of Wireless Communication.
He is presently the Faculty In Charge of E-Resources, Website and Networking of Central Library since June 2023 and Member, GeM committee since March 2019. He was the Faculty in Charge (Central Computer Center) Networks from Oct 2019 to Nov 2023 and member of the Undergraduate Research Council from Dec. 2018 to Feb. 2024. He was also the General Chair cum Chairman of the Conference titled Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A 2022) which is co-sponsored by Springer.
- R. Hazra (Principal Investigator), D.S. Gurjar (Co-Principal Investigator) and Ekant Sharma (Co-Principal Investigator), “RIS-aided D2D communication for 5G and beyond networks”, Funded by CRG, SERB, Budget: Rs. 51.3 lakhs (Status: Ongoing from 2023-2026).
- R. Hazra (Principal Investigator), Manas Kumar Bera (Co-Principal Investigator) and Ashim Kumar Das (Co-Principal Investigator), “Inclusive Economic Development of India via Digital STEM&L Education”, Funded by SPARC, MoE, Budget: Rs. 49 lakhs. (Status: Ongoing from 2023-2025).
- R. Hazra (Chief Investigator), Murugan R. (Co-Chief Investigator) and Badal Soni (Co-Chief Investigator), “Capacity Building for human resource development in Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone and Related Technology)”, Funded by MeiTY as a part of Project Management Unit, Budget: Rs. 150 lakhs, (Status: Ongoing from 2022-2027).
- Harsh K. Singh, A. Raj, H. Yadav, R. Hazra, Murugan R., Badal Soni and G. Laishram, “A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DISTINGUISHING AND CLASSIFYING DRONES”, Patent Number: 202431064682 A, Indian Patent (Status: Filed on 27/08/24 and Published on 06/09/24).
- Subhra S. Sarma, R. Hazra, G.S. Baghel and M.V. Swati, “A RESOURCE ALLOCATION SYSTEM FOR DEVICE-TO-DEVICE COMMUNICATION”, Patent Number: 202022101677, German Patent (Status: Granted on 27/05/22).
- S. Biswas, R. Hazra and A. Sirvee, “A COVID-19 Detection System and Method using a CNN Model”, Patent Number: 2021105722, Australian Patent (Status: Granted on 27/10/21).
- R. Hazra received SIRE Fellowship for the project titled Identity Management System based on Blockchain Technology from SERB, DST, MoE for the year 2023-24.
- Communication & Telemetry
- Digital Signal Processing
- Advanced Signal Processing
- Signals & Systems
- Computer Networks
- Wireless Communication
- Senior Member, IEEE
- SERB SIRE Fellow
- Nodal Officer for Implementation of NEP 2020 from 23/20/24 till date
- Faculty In-Charge, E-Resources, Website and Networking, Central Library from June 2023 till date
- Member, DUPC, EIE from 10/08/23 till date
- Member, DPMC, EIE from 10/08/23 till date
- Faculty In-Charge, DSP Lab, EIE from Jan. 2018 till date
- Faculty In-Charge, Communication Lab, EIE from Aug. 2016 till date
- Member, GeM Committee from March. 2019 till Dec 2023
- Member, Undergraduate Research Council from Dec. 2018 till Feb. 2024
- Faculty In Charge (Central Computer Center) Networks from 14/10/19 to 09/11/23
- Convenor, DPC of Central Computer Center from 14/10/19 to 04/01/24
- Member Secretary, DPMC, EIE from 20/01/21 to 09/08/23
- Member, DPPC, EIE from 20/01/21 to 10/08/23
- Member, DUPC, CSE from 17/09/21 to 01/12/23
- Member, DPC, CSE from 02/09/21 to 01/12/23
- Member, DPC, EE from 23/06/21 to 01/12/23
- Member Secretary, DPPC, EIE 19/01/19 to 19/01/21
- Member, DPMC, EIE from 19/01/19 to 19/01/21
- Associate Warden BH-4 from 05/09/17 to 26/09/19
- Spoken Tutorial Module Faculty Coordinator, Department of EIE from 02/02/17 to 30/09/19
- S. Sarma and R. Hazra, ‘A decade review of Device-to-Device communication in mm-Wave network: Challenges and Solutions’, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Accepted, 2024 [SCIE, IF: 2.2].
- P. Goswami, R. Hazra, P. Milos, K. Choi, and M. Eider, ‘A Novel Approach of Efficient Resource Allocation in Smart Consumer Electronics Device Network’, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Accepted, 2024 [SCIE, IF: 5.3].
- J. Akhter, R. Hazra, A. Mihovska and R. Prasad, ‘A Novel Resource Sharing Scheme for Vehicular Communication in 5G Cellular Networks for Smart Cities’, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Accepted, 2024 [SCIE, IF: 5.3].
- Subhra S. Sarma, A. Sachan, R. Hazra, F.A. Talukdar, A. Mukherjee, P. Chatterjee and W. Alnumay, ‘D2D communication in a 5G mm-Wave cellular network for wireless sensor networks’, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24(5), pp. 5512-5521, 2024 [SCIE, IF: 4.32].
- Subhra S. Sarma, R. Hazra and Pratik Goswami, ‘Power optimization in a multi-cell D2D communication for smart city in a mm-Wave cellular network: An mIoT perspective’, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10(21), pp. 18686-18694, 2023 [SCIE, IF: 9.93].
- Subhra S. Sarma, R. Hazra and Peter H.J. Chong, ‘Performance Analysis of DF Relay-Assisted D2D Communication in a 5G mmWave Network’, Future Internet, MDPI, vol. 14(4), 101, 2022 [Scopus Indexed].
- Subhra S. Sarma, R. Hazra and A. Mukherjee, ‘Symbiosis between D2D communication and Industrial IoT for Industry 5.0 in 5G mm-Wave cellular network: An interference management approach’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18(8), pp. 5527-5536, 2022 [SCIE, IF: 10.12].
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra, ‘State-of-the-art level set models and their performances in image segmentation: A decade review, ‘Archives of Computational Methods, Springer, vol. 29, pp. 2019-2042, 2022 [SCIE, IF: 7.36].
- P. Goswami, A. Mukherjee, R. Hazra, L. Yang, U. Ghosh, Q. Yinan and H. Wang, ‘ AI based energy efficient routing protocol for intelligent transportation system,’ IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23(2), pp. 1670-1679, 2022 [SCIE, IF: 6.49].
- A. Sekhar, S. Biswas, R. Hazra, A. Sunaniya, A. Mukherjee and L. Yang, ‘Brain tumor classification using fine-tuned GoogLeNet features and machine learning algorithms: IoMT enabled CAD system’, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 26(3), pp. 983-991, 2022. [SCIE, IF: 5.22].
- P. Khuntia, R. Hazra and P. Goswami, ‘A Bidirectional Relay Assisted Underlay Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks: An IoT Application for FinTech, ‘ IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10(3), pp. 2174-2182, 2023. [SCIE, IF: 9.93].
- Subhra S. Sarmah, P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, ‘Power control scheme for D2D communication using uplink channel in 5G mm-Wave network,’ Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, Wiley, vol. 33(6), e4267, 2021 [SCIE, IF: 1.59].
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, ‘An Efficient Channel and Power Allocation Scheme for D2D Enabled Cellular Communication System: An IoT Application,’ IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21(22), pp. 25340-25351, 2021 [SCIE, IF: 3.1].
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra, ‘A level set model by regularizing local fitting energy and penalty energy term for image segmentation,’ Signal Processing, Elsevier, vol. 183, 108043, 2021 [SCIE, IF: 4.38].
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra, ‘Active contours driven by modified LoG energy term and optimized penalty term for image segmentation,’ IET Image Processing, vol. 14(13), 2020 [SCIE, IF: 1.99].
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra, ‘A new binary level set model using L0 regularizer for image segmentation,’ Signal Processing, Elsevier, vol. 174, 107603, 2020. [SCIE, IF: 4.38]
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, ‘Bit Error Probability Analysis of IR-UWB ED-OOK system using Cooperative Dual-Hop DTF Strategy’, Annals of Telecommunication, Springer, vol. 75, pp. 381-395, 2020. [SCIE, IF: 1.54]
- P. Khuntia, R.Hazra and Peter H.J. Chong,’ An efficient actor-critic reinforcement learning for device-to-device communication underlaying sectored cellular network, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, vol. 33, e4315, 2020. [SCIE, IF: 1.31]
- P.Khuntia and R. Hazra, ‘An Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Network,’ IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 9(1), 2020. (Scopus Indexed)
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, ‘An efficient Deep reinforcement learning with extended Kalman filter for device-to-device communication underlaying cellular network,’ Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, vol. 30(9), e3671, 2019 [SCIE, IF: 1.59].
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, ‘QOS aware channel and power allocation scheme for D2D enabled cellular networks,’ Telecommunication Systems, Springer, vol. 72, pp. 543-554, 2019 [SCIE, IF: 1.73].
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra, ‘Robust edge detection based on Modified Moore-Neighbor, Optik-International Journal of Light and Electron Optics, Elsevier, vol. 168, pp. 931-943, 2018. [SCIE, IF: 2.18]
- S. Biswas, D. Ghoshal and R. Hazra, ‘A new algorithm of Image Segmentation using Curve Fitting Based Higher Order Polynomial Smoothing’, Optik, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Elsevier, vol. 127(20), pp. 8916-8925, 2016. SCIE, IF: 2.18)
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, ‘Bit Error Rate Performance of IR-UWB ED-PPM system using cooperative dual-hop AF strategy’, IET Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 34-43, January 2016. (SCIE, IF: 1.6)
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, ‘Performance Analysis of Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband Energy Detector system using cooperative dual-hop Amplify and Forward strategy’, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, vol. 30(4), e3018, 2017 [SCIE, IF: 1.3].
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, ‘A Survey on Various Coherent and Non-Coherent IR-UWB Receivers’, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 79(3), pp. 2339-2369, 2014 [SCIE, IF: 1.3]
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, ‘Cooperative Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Communication Using Coherent and Non-Coherent Detectors: A Review’, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 77(1), pp. 719-748, 2014 [SCIE, IF: 1.3]
- P. Bhuyan, B. Sharma, A. Bora, and R. Hazra, “Optimizing Diabetes Prediction: Hyperparameter Tuning and Type Classification Hypotheses with Deep Neural Network”, in proceedings of IEEE MIND 2024, Goa, India, 2024.
- A. Bhaduri, R. Hazra and A. Mihovska, “RIS-Assisted D2D Communication in 5G and Beyond”, in proceedings of IEEE WPMC 2024, Delhi, India, 2024.
- J. Akhter, R. Hazra and A. Mihovska, “Resource and Power Allocation for reliable 5G V2X communication”, in proceedings of IEEE WPMC 2024, Delhi, India, 2024.
- S. Das, H. B. Karna, S. Das and R. Hazra, “Disease detection in Plant Leaves using Transfer Learning”, in proceedings of IEEE ICECSP, Delhi, India, 2024.
- J. Akhter, R. Hazra and M. Rastogi, “Joint Power Control and Resource Sharing for 5G-V2X Communication in Cellular Networks”, in proceedings of IEEE 38th Conference on Information Networking (IEEE ICOIN 2024), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jan. 2024.
- N. Barman, K. Sharma and R. Hazra, “A transformer-based approach to automated disease prediction from patient descriptions”, in proceedings of IEEE 7th Conference on Information and Communication Technology (IEEE CICT 2023), Jabalpur, India, Dec. 2023.
- S. Biswas, R. Hazra, S. Prasad and A. Sirvee, “A level set model driven by New Signed Pressure Function for Image Segmentation”, in proceedings of IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC), Kanpur, India, 2021.
- Subhra S. Sarmah and R. Hazra, “Pathloss attenuation analysis for D2D communication in 5G mmWave networks,” in proceedings of IEEE Advanced Communication Technologies and Signal Processing (ACTS), Silchar, India, 2020.
- V. Raj, J. Hazarika and R. Hazra, “Feature selection for attention demanding task induced EEG detection”, in proceedings of IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON), Kolkata, India, Oct 2020.
- A. Mukherjee, J.J.P.C. Rodrigues, P. Goswami, L. Manman, R. Hazra and Y. Lixia, “Green Cooperative Communication based Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks for IoT applications”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
- Subhra S. Sarmah and R. Hazra, “Interference management for D2D communication in mmWave 5G network: An Alternate Offer Bargaining Game theory,” in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks, SPIN, Noida, India, 2020.
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, Device-to-Device Communication Assisted by Selective DTF Relay for MIMO Cooperative System,’ in proceedings of IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, Dec 2019.
- P. Khuntia, R. Hazra, J. Akhtar and A. Ravi, “Resource Sharing for energy harvesting based D2D communication underlaying cellular network,” in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Goa, Dec. 2019.
- S. Biswas, R. Hazra and S. Prasad, “A Region-based Level Set Formulation Using Machine Learning Approach in Medical Image Segmentation”, in proceedings of IEEE TENCON, Kochi, India, 2019.
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra,” A novel level set method for medical image segmentation”, in proceedings of IEEE TENSYMP, Kolkata, India, 2019.
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra,”An Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Network”, in proceedings of IEEE TENCON, Jeju, Korea, 2018.
- S. Biswas and R. Hazra, “A hybrid technique for blood cell detection”, in proceedings of IEEE TENCON, Jeju, Korea, 2018.
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, ” Device-to-Device communication aided by two-way relay underlaying cellular network”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), pp. 1-6, 2018.
- P. Khuntia and R. Hazra, “Resource Sharing for Device-to-Device communication underlaying cellular network “, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), pp. 1-6, 2018.
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, “Performance Analysis of IR-UWB TR Receiver using cooperative dual-hop AF strategy”, in Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Delhi, India, 24-27 September 2014, pp. 2537-2543
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, “Performance Comparison of Non-Coherent IR-UWB Receivers”, in Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), Noida, India, 12-14 December 2013, pp. 143-148.
- R. Hazra and A. Tyagi, “Performance Analysis of Non-Coherent IR-UWB Receivers”, in Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC), Solan, India, 26-28 September 2013, pp. 1-6.
- R. Hazra, A. Tyagi and S. Mukherjee, “Performance Analysis of TR, ATR and DTR Receivers in IR-UWB Communication System”, in Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Computing (ICSPCC), Kunming, China, 5-8 August 2013, pp. 1-6.
- S. Prasad, P. Kumar, R. Hazra and A. Kumar, “Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Gabor Wavelet Transform”, in Proceedings Conference on Swarm Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO), Bhubaneswar, India, 20-22 December 2012, pp. 372-379.
- Subhra S. Sarmah, and R. Hazra, “Interference mitigation methods for D2D communication in 5G network”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing, Springer, Bangkok, vol. 1040, pp. 521-530, 2020.
- Subhra S. Sarmah, and R. Hazra, “Intelligent reflecting surface at mm-Wave band for D2D communication: An insight”, in Proceedings of Emerging Electronics and Automation, Springer LNEE, Silchar, India, vol. 937, pp. 307-314, 2022.
- Shubham Kumar, Somadrita Halder and R. Hazra, “Handwritten Word Recognition in English Language”, in Proceedings of Emerging Electronics and Automation, E2A 2022, Springer LNEE, Silchar, India, 2022. (Accepted)
- Vinayak Das, Doneela Das and R. Hazra, “Vernacular Language Handwriting Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques”, in Proceedings of Emerging Electronics and Automation, E2A 2022, Springer LNEE, Silchar, India, 2022. (Accepted)
- Pratap Khuntia, Aeoshri Das and R. Hazra, “Power Optimized Domino Logic Design of a Comparator with Variable Threshold CMOS and Clock Gating”, in Proceedings of Emerging Electronics and Automation, E2A 2022, Springer LNEE, Silchar, India, 2022. (Accepted)
- J. Akhter, R. Hazra and R. Gour, “Power Allocation for IoV networks in smart cities”, in Proceedings of Internet of Vehicles and Computer Vision Solutions for Smart City Transformation, Springer Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure, 2024. (Accepted)
- D. Nath Chaudhury, Pravin P.S., and R. Hazra, “Blockchain Overview & Applications”, in Proceedings of E2A 2023, in Proceedings of Emerging Electronics and Automation, E2A 2024, Springer LNEE, Silchar, India, 2024. (Accepted)
- Harsh K. Singh, R. Hazra, A. Raj, S. Garg, A. Dastidar, and L. Yamkolu, “Robust, Resilient & Secure Drone Wireless Communication Protocol Integration Architecture “, in Proceedings of E2A 2023, in Proceedings of Emerging Electronics and Automation, E2A 2024, Springer LNEE, Silchar, India, 2024. (Accepted)
- Coordinator of TEQIP-II sponsored One week short-term course on Recent Trends in Communication, Signal Processing and VLSI at NIT Silchar from 14-18 March 2017.
- Coordinator of TEQIP-III sponsored One week short-term course on Recent Trends in Communication, Signal Processing and Solid State Devices at NIT Silchar from 13-17 March 2018.
- Coordinator of Two weeks GIAN course on Innovation & Technology Enterprise: Idea to Entrepreneurship at NIT Silchar from 30th July-10th August, 2018.
- Coordinator of TEQIP-III One Week short-term course on Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship Development (IPRED-2020) at NIT Silchar from 1-5 September 2020.
- Coordinator of One week GIAN course on Digital Payments & Digital Currency: Challenges & Solutions for India at NIT Silchar from 20th February-25th February, 2023.
- Technical Program Chair, 3rd International Conference on Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A 2023), 15-17 December 2023, NIT Silchar. http://e2a2023.nits.ac.in
- General Chair, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A 2022), 16-18 December 2022, NIT Silchar. http://e2a2022.nits.ac.in
- Organizing Chair, 1st International Conference on Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A 2021), 17-19 December 2021, NIT Silchar. URL: http://e2a.nits.ac.in
Sl. No. | Name of the Scholar | Status | Thesis Title | Supervision |
1 | Pratap Khuntia | Completed | Device to Device Underlay Communication for future cellular networks: Resource Management and Multi-Hop Relaying | Sole Supervisor |
2 | Soumen Biswas | Completed | Image Segmentation using Kernel and Active Contour Models | Sole Supervisor |
3 | Subhra Sankha Sarma | Completed | Resource Management and Performance Analysis of D2D Communication in a 5G mm-Wave Network | Sole Supervisor |
4 | Javed Akhtar | Ongoing | Resource Allocation for V2X communication | Sole Supervisor |
5 | Adrija Bhaduri | Ongoing | Resource allocation for RIS-aided D2D communication | Sole Supervisor |
6 | Rahul Sharma | Ongoing | RIS-aided UAV communication | Main Supervisor |
7 | Someul Haque | Ongoing | RIS-aided V2X communication | Co-Supervisor |
S.No | Student | Dissertation Topic | Status | Year |
1 | Naveen Yadav | Resource Allocation in Device to Device Communication | Completed | 2016-18 |
2 | Sarful Alam | Design & performance analysis of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Hetro-junction Bipolar Transistor solar cell | Completed | 2016-18 |
3 | Javed Akhtar | Resource Allocation For Energy Harvesting Powered D2D Communication | Completed | 2017-19 |
4 | Vivek Raj | EEG-based Recognition of Task Induced Neuronal Activity using Machine Learning Algorithms | Completed | 2018-20 |
5 | Ardhendu Sekhar | Brain Tumor Classification using Transfer Learning | Completed | 2019-21 |
6 | Atul Sachan | Investigation of Device-to-Device Communication in 5G mmWave Network using an Uplink Channel | Completed | 2020-22 |
7 | Debodutta Nath Chaudhury | Academic Certificate Verification using Blockchain Technology | Ongoing | 2023-25 |
Awards and Recognitions
- Guest Editor of Sustainability, MDPI for the Sustainable Application of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.
- Session Chair for IEEE SIPCOV 2023, ICICSA 2022, IEEE TENCON 2018, SCES 2020 and SCES 2024.
- TPC Member of many conferences namely MISP 2022, E2A 2021, MIND 2021 AND ACTS 2020.
- Active reviewer of various reputed journals namely IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IET Journal of Engineering, IET Signal Processing, IET Communications, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, Wireless Personal Communications and Telecommunications Journal, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, Expert Systems, Wiley, Security and Privacy, Wiley, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Computer Communications, Digital Signal Processing, Sustainable Cities and Society, Computers & Security and Optik.
- Active reviewer of many conferences namely E2A 2021, MIND 2021, IEMTRONICS 2021, IEMCON 2021, ACTS 2020, UPCON 2020, IEMTRONICS 2020, IEMCON 2020, UEMCON 2020 and PiCET 2019.
Invited Talks
- Invited as Resource Person to deliver talk on “AI Based Energy Efficient Intelligent Routing in Networks” at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Maharashtra, as a part of One Week ATAL FDP on 29-11-2024.
- Invited as Resource Person to deliver talk on “NEP and Blended Learning: Challenges and Effectiveness” at Department of Management Studies, Assam University, Silchar, as a part of Short-Term course on 22-11-2024.
- Invited as Resource Person to deliver talk and hands on session on “Implementing AI-driven Solutions in Engineering and Technology” at Department of ECE, IIMT University, Meerut, U.P., as a part of One Week Online FDP on 24-09-2024.
- Invited as Resource Person to deliver talk on “Optimization Techniques in Engineering applications” at Department of CSE, JNTU-GV Vizianagaram, A.P., as a part of One Week Online FDP on 04-07-2024.
- Delivered invited lecture on Hands-on Training on Computational Intelligence for Health Informatics and Wearable Device Data Analysis at Department of CSE, NIT Silchar as a part of DST-SERB One Week High End Workshop (Karyashala) Under the Accelerate Vigyan Scheme) on 27-07-2023.
- Delivered invited lecture on Advanced MATLAB Programming with Applications in Emerging Technologies at SRM University, Ghaziabad as a part of One Week FDP on 15-06-2023.
- Delivered invited lecture on Futuristic Trends in Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: An ML Approach (FMMT-2023) at Department of ECE, NIT Silchar as a part of One Week DST-SERB Sponsored High-End Workshop (Karyashala) under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme on 04-06-2023.
- Delivered invited lecture on Nascent Technologies in Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI (NTSPCV-2023) at NIT Delhi as a part of One Week Short Term Course on 26-04-2023.
- Delivered invited lecture on Industry 5.0: Challenges & Opportunities at IIMT University, Meerut, UP as a part of One Week FDP on 20-04-2023.
- Delivered invited lecture on Emerging Trends in Signal Processing, Communication & VLSI at NIT Delhi as a part of One Week Self Sponsored Short Term Course on 07-06-2022.
- Delivered invited lecture on Recent Trends in Intelligent Systems at Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad as a part of One Week ATAL FDP on 27-01-2022.
- Delivered invited lecture on Nano Electronics and RF Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad as a part of ATAL FDP on 06-09-2021.
- Delivered invited Lecture on Electronic Devices for real-life application (REDA-2020) at NIT Jamshedpur as a part of One Week Self-sponsored short-term program on 28-11-2020.
- Delivered invited Lecture on RF and Millimeter-Wave Technologies (RMWT-2020) at Department of ECE, NIT Silchar as a part of TEQIP-III sponsored One Week Webinar on 30-08-2020.
- Delivered invited lecture on Future IoT at Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad as a part of AICTE sponsored One week Short Term Training Program on 23-07-2020.
- Delivered invited lecture on Wireless Communication at Government College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner, as a part of TEQIP-III sponsored one-week training program on 3-4 Feb, 2018.